Impact of lack of control over work on health

Impact of lack of control over work on health

Nowadays, many people struggle with a lack of control over their work. We are often forced to perform tasks that are not in line with our skills, interests or values. This lack of control over work can have serious consequences for our health, both physical and mental.


One of the most common consequences of a lack of control over work is the occurrence of chronic stress. When we have no control over what tasks we need to do and how we need to do them, we feel powerless and frustrated. Daily stress can lead to the development of serious diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease and digestive problems.

Studies show that people who have more control over their work are less likely to be stressed and have a better sense of well-being both inside and outside of work. Therefore, it is important to strive for greater autonomy in the workplace.

Low self-efficacy

When we are not in control of our work, we often feel a lack of control over the results of our actions. This can lead to the development of a low sense of self-efficacy and a lack of satisfaction with our activities. People who feel that they are unable to influence the results of their work often experience frustration and dissatisfaction, which negatively affects their overall well-being.

It is important that we have the chance to make decisions and influence the processes involved in our work. More autonomous employees tend to experience greater satisfaction and an increased sense of self-efficacy.

A sense of aimlessness

Lack of control over work can lead to the development of a sense of aimlessness. When we don't see a point in what we are doing, we find it difficult to find motivation to complete tasks. This can lead to chronic boredom, lack of commitment and reduced productivity. People who feel their work is aimless often also experience greater difficulty in maintaining a work-life balance.

It is important that we have the opportunity to do work that is meaningful to us and aligns with our goals and values. If we feel that our efforts contribute to the greater good, we are more motivated to perform and achieve better results.

Failures and frustrations

Lack of control over work is often associated with the occurrence of frequent failures and frustrations. When we don't feel we have a say in our work environment, we are often unable to achieve our goals. This can lead to a loss of self-confidence, lowered self-esteem and a reduction in our development potential.

It is important that we have the ability to challenge ourselves and develop our skills. When we are in control of our work, we can deal more effectively with failures and treat them as opportunities to learn and grow.


Lack of control over work can have serious consequences for our health. It affects our mood, stress levels, self-efficacy and job satisfaction. Therefore, it is important that we strive for greater autonomy in the workplace and have the ability to make decisions related to our responsibilities. Only then will we be able to achieve success, both professionally and personally.


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